Pilates and Yoga Studio: Should You be Choosing Either?
Physical fitness is extremely important for the wellbeing of an individual, especially during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Pilates and yoga are exceedingly effective to favor overall health of the body. They help in enhancing body movements, improving balance, strengthening muscles, and increasing flexibility. Their reach is increasing day by day, therefore making them more common among people these days.

Pilates and yoga are among the most popular workout routines performed by people all over the globe. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, people have subsequently drifted toward a wider approach when it comes to fitness and its regimes. Both of these type of workouts go hand in hand, focusing mainly on diaphragmatic breathing along with an appropriate mental focus for the workout’s maximum efficiency. Although both of them are speculated to be alike in many ways, they have their own procedures and benefits. According to a report by research dive, the global pilates and yoga studio market is expected to observe substantial growth and reach $269,301.8 million by 2028.
What is Pilates?
Pilates are a set of exercises which are designed to ameliorate focus, strength, flexibility, and balance. Each exercise requires certain set of placements, motions, and breathing range focusing on core stabilization. Pilates can be performed with the help of mats, but some advanced workouts require specialized machines.
More and more people have started attending Pilates classes in their respective Pilates studio. These studios accommodate all the necessary equipment and machines required for a sound training experience. The cost and maintenance of these machines are extortionate, which is why there aren’t much of these studios in many regions. Their investment level is pretty high, hence they are one of the most expensive workout trainings.
Pilates was introduced by Joseph Pilates in New York City in order to mend and improve the fitness levels of athletes and dancers. He was a German-born child suffering from various diseases like rickets, asthma, rheumatic fever, etc. Later on, he dedicated his life towards upgrading his physical fitness and went on to study yoga, became a physical trainer, and then introduced Pilates. He initially used it as a treatment for his soldiers during the first World War.
Types of Pilates
Mat-based Pilates – This type of Pilates has a set of exercises which are performed on the mat using our own body weight to enhance the body posture, balance, and coordination with the help of controlled breathing.
Machine-based Pilates – This type of Pilates has a set of exercises performed through specially designed machines which consist of a moveable carriage that people can pull or push for strength and balance training. The equipment is usually expensive but far more effective.
Benefits of Pilates
- Perfect for injury recoveries
- Improves posture
- Enhances sleep cycle
- Helps with stress and mental stability
- Increases flexibility
- Increases strength and endurance
- Prevents future injuries
- Increases lung capacity
- Improves core strength
What is Yoga?
Yoga is a physical, spiritual, mental practice incorporated by people to bring their mind and body together through a complex mixture of breathing, exercise, and meditation. It consists of different asanas, which are a set of exercises that help us to boost our strength, flexibility, and provides immediate relaxation.
People like to practice yoga in groups, which is why yoga studios were opened so that people can socialize, share their thoughts, and learn better. These studios are much cheaper than those of Pilates. Yoga studios can accommodate a large number of people in a single class or session making it cheaper for both investments and memberships.
The word yoga is derived from Sanskrit word “Yog” which means “union with reality”. It dates back from thousands of years ago having its origins from India itself. Its traditional foundation was given by saint Patanjali in his Yoga Sutra containing an eightfold path of the practice known as “Eight Limbs of Yoga”, namely “Yamas”, “Niyamas”, “Asana”, “Pranayama”, “Pratyahara”, “Dharana”, “Dhyana”, “Samadhi”.
The four paths of Yoga are:
- Bhakti(devotion)
- Karma(action)
- Jnana(knowledge)
- Raj (self -discipline)
Yoga is widely practiced all over the globe as a therapy to alleviate mental stress, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and is also used in rehabs in certain countries. The most important aspect while practicing Yoga is concentration on the postures and breathing techniques which in turn enhances the meditating level to form a better bond with the body, soul, and mind.
An asana is a posture which requires people to hold a specific position for some time with certain number of repetitions, according to their capacity accompanied with an appropriate breathing technique. Every asana is focused on a particular group of muscles which are capable of easing off multiple ailments from our body. Some of the most effective and prominent asanas are mentioned below -
- Sarvangasana or shoulder stand
- Halasan or plough pose
- Matsyasana or fish pose
- Trikonasana or triangle pose
- Bhujangasana or cobra pose
- Ustrasana or camel pose
- Pavanamuktasana or wind relieving pose
- Tadasna or mountain pose
Benefits of Yoga
- Increases lung capacity
- Relieves stress, anxiety, and depression
- Improves cardiovascular performance
- Enhances sleep cycle
- Improves flexibility
- Strengthens muscles
- Eases joint pain
- Improves digestion
- Improves blood circulation
- Stabilizes blood pressure
Pilates or Yoga: What Should You Choose?
Pilates work best for adults or older adults in case of any severe injury because it does not involve any heavy movements which are ideal for recovering.
People with slipped discs, spinal disks or spondylitis should consult a doctor as they face problems while performing yoga.
Yoga is best for people facing severe stress, anxiety or depression as it may ease off and enhance the mind-body connection.
Pilates memberships are much more expensive than yoga memberships due to the specialized machines used in Pilates. So economically, yoga may be better for certain individuals.
Yoga is perfect for senior citizens having respiratory or heart problems or even joint pains.
For youngster, yoga along with some weight training would be a perfect combination which would not only help them to enhance their flexibility but also their strength.
Both Pilates and yoga have their own benefits. Pilates is basically used for strengthening and toning the muscle without adding much bulk, which makes it ideal for athletes and dancers. Yoga helps to reduce stress, heart rate, and blood pressure. Pilates or yoga should be accompanied with an aerobic exercise such as cycling, swimming or running which would further help in enhancing endurance.

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